
Section 508

Section 508 compliance is crucial for ensuring a universally accessible online space. Our 508 Compliant services guide you through the process, ensuring your digital content meets the necessary accessibility standards.
generating section 508 certificate

If you're looking to reach a wider audience, take a look: Section 508

Section 508 standards set by the U.S. federal government for electronic and information technology accessibility. By ensuring that websites and digital content meet these guidelines, we make sure that everyone, regardless of disabilities or impairments, can access and navigate them effortlessly.

This includes:

A skilled team in 508 compliance, updated on industry standards and trends.

With a thorough understanding of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 508, and WCAG 2.1 guidelines, they meticulously identify and rectify barriers hindering individuals with disabilities from accessing digital content.

Equipped with the latest assistive technologies and testing tools, the team conducts comprehensive audits, providing expert recommendations for remediation. Their expertise spans websites, mobile applications, digital documents, and multimedia presentations. Staying updated on emerging accessibility standards and industry best practices, they consistently deliver exceptional results. With their commitment to inclusivity and attention to detail, our 508 Complaint team ensures our clients’ digital content is accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities.

To reach the peak, you need to dig deep

Manual audits complement automated audits for accessibility by providing human insight and addressing nuanced aspects that automated tools may miss. Human testers can simulate the experiences of users with disabilities, evaluate usability, and assess subjective elements like alternative text clarity and navigation pathways. Additionally, manual audits detect emergent or unconventional accessibility issues, ensuring digital products are truly inclusive. By combining automated and manual audits, organizations gain a comprehensive understanding of accessibility barriers and prioritize remediation effectively for a truly accessible user experience.

iceberg representing automated tools for accessibility testing vs accessibles studio solution
what you get

What is included in our 508 compliance services?

We maximize accessibility for everyone by creating user-friendly and inclusive digital producta, including:

The proof is in the numbers

What can 508 compliance bring to the numbers?


Clients witness a substantial decrease in identified 508 compliance gaps after implementing our services, minimizing the risk of legal consequences.


Users provide positive feedback on the improved accessibility of digital assets, reflecting increased satisfaction and inclusivity.


Our 508 compliance services contribute to a high rate of legal compliance, reducing the risk of legal incidents related to accessibility.


FAQs about 508 compliance

Looking to learn more about 508 compliance for your business? Browse our FAQs:

508 compliance ensures that digital content is accessible to individuals with disabilities in line with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, fostering inclusivity and equal access.

We offer 508 compliance audits to identify areas of non-compliance and guide businesses in making the necessary adjustments to meet accessibility standards.

Absolutely. Our 508 compliance services cover a range of digital assets, including documents, multimedia content, and websites, ensuring comprehensive accessibility.

Non-compliance with 508 standards may result in legal consequences. Ensuring 508 compliance is essential for businesses, especially those working with federal agencies.

Regular audits are recommended, especially after significant updates or changes. The frequency depends on the evolving nature of digital content and accessibility standards.